Monday, April 23, 2007


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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

another quote from "tommy"

Sometimes I randomly play little riffs on my guitar that I make up in the hallways, chapel, my classroom, during tests, well...whenever I'm holding onto my guitar that is...
Well, one day while the second graders were getting in a circle for a music game, I just pulled off a little riff and Tommy says in a sincere, matter-of-fact voice... "Huh, that's cool Mr.G, sounds kinda like Master of Puppets." He was right...which was interesting to say the least... but why was an 8-year-old making connections between my riffs and 80s hardrock?

Rock 'n Roll Teacher

Have I told you my students are creative? Well, one of them proved this once again by a comment that had me rolling the other day...
I walked out of my office in the music room at school before second grade music time and the kids were already sitting on the risers for me to start class. I like to get started without any downtime, so that I don't lose them within the first minute! I just busted into "I'm in Love with the King" and the kids jumped up and started singing and doing the actions. Before I could move from our warm-up song into our activity, "Tommy" was wiggling and squirming all over in his spot with his arm about to pop straight up out of his socket. I said, "Yes Tommy? It looks as though you have a question," in a calm, wanting to move on with the lesson voice. Then he hit me with it.
"Yeah! You know, Mr.G, when you came walking out of the room with your guitar, I could see it now...THE LIGHTS!...THE FOG!...THE CROWD!!...YOU JAMMIN ON THE GUITAR!! (big crunching guitar sound and windmill strum move made famous by The Who)...YEAH!!! was awesome..." My jaw dropped and I couldn't believe all of that had randomly come out of an 8-year-old's mouth, but I just couldn't help but laugh and say thank you.